Level Method

Assessments, Data-Driven Fitness, and the Future...

As a coach, I always want to be moving my client in the right direction, steadily, over time, so they hit their goals and have a great experience.

The more information I can have on them, the better

Because with information, I’m much more capable of taking smart, purposeful action to help my client improve and get results.

In the fitness world generating client-specific information is almost always done through an assessment.

There are a wide range of assessments out there… some VERY comprehensive…But just as important as the data/information itself, is the ability to USE the data…

If I can’t use the information, what’s the point?

If I have a million data points to look at, it’s going to be hard to pin down next action steps for the client -- analysis paralysis.

This gets even worse if you are working in a group gym environment with 100+ members… good luck tracking everything with spreadsheets and trying to keep it all up to date.

So, I want my assessment to produce ACTIONABLE information, data that can be distilled to deliver a high level snapshot, but also let me drill down into specifics….

This is exactly how the Level Method is designed. It’s an elegant assessment system that generates all the fitness information you need to know… and then wraps the information in an easy to understand package: colored levels.

With Levels, I know at a glance where a client is along their journey, and if I want to dig in, I can simply pull up more information that gives me what I need to know.

As a gym owner, I can see where everyone is, I can run specialty programs, or level-specific events. As a coach, I can map out accessory programs, have conversations that meet the client where they ARE, and create powerful moments when they level up. As a member, I know what’s appropriate for me, I have a roadmap, and I have a structure that guides my goal decisions.

All of that is based on organized data, and if you have the choice between data, and no data… or confusing data, and actionable data… what would you choose?