
Ben Jakeman - A Phoenix Rising

If you are a struggling gym owner needing to make a change to save your gym, these are must watch clips from long time Level Method member Ben Jakeman.

He shares invaluable lessons about how he overcame some extremely daunting, but not uncommon, challenges that many gym owners face.

To appreciate the entirety of this story, we must start at the beginning.

Here Ben describes why he started a gym. It may sound familiar.

Here he describes his first 2 years and the biggest lesson he learned from them.

In his second self proclaimed “crash and burn” he made this decision that changed everything:

He describes a key growth period to help push him through to a place where he is much happier as a business owner and person:

Now that he has turned the corner, how is his average day different from the first two years?

Since he is in constant improvement mode, where is he currently focused on improving?

Ben shares much more detail about his journey in the full podcast found here.

As you heard in the beginning of the article, Ben is a huge advocate of Level Method and it’s large influence on him becoming the gym owner he wants to be. Learn more about Level Method here and sign up for a free discovery session to see how it could benefit your gym.