Level Method

Global Assessments - PART 3 - AFTER

Global Assessments are done!

It’s time to wrap up, share ALL the stories and see what we can improve for next time. Follow up with your coaches and thank them for their hard work to generate success!  Be sure to thank anyone else that helped, with logistics or making playlists and so on.  Hopefully, lots of people contributed! 

Line up all the social media wins from the previous weeks and really take advantage of the excitement! Schedule out the stories and photos for the next few weeks. Take the time to put together stories about members' successes.  This way, “not yet members” can see what your gym is all about and how it helps people just like them. Your coaches can help with details and stories too, since they were there for the Level Ups. They saw the struggles, the successes, the excitement and the celebrations! 

Get the certificates printed and handed out! Will you have a Level Up party or hand them out during classes? Have a game plan for this! If it's a Level Up party, is it during classes or an outside-of-class event? Is a workout involved? Food? -- potluck or is the gym paying? Are friends and family invited? You could also come up with special awards like “The Abominable Chalk Monster” or “Most Transformed!”  It's all a great, big deal!

Get feedback from the coaches.  Find out what they think went well, and what could improve. This puts some responsibility on your coaches, because they were in the classes day to day -- but it also lets them know that you value them and their feedback. Maybe you have a coaches meeting or maybe you take them out to dinner? Capture the ways to improve. Put the ideas in one place, and implement them the next time. 

The weeks following a global Assessments are a great time for Success Plans with members. Most people will have Leveled Up, but even if they didn’t, this is the time to check in and help with a game plan for their health and fitness until the next Assessment. This is your time to encourage them with their progress and to help them come up with ways to further improve. Maybe that’s working on specific weaknesses with a personal trainer or a nutrition coach at your gym.  If you offer what they need, they need to know about it!  If you end the Assessments well, people are excited about what comes next!

Is all the extra work worth it?

Randomness gets random results.  People first need goals in order to succeed in them, but a close second is employing effective methods to achieve those goals. Assessments are the very first and last step in the system we use to guarantee this -- they identify the most meaningful and useful fitness goals, along with the subsequent proof of success. On top of this, there is the extraordinary power of Celebration, and Community, and Affirmation.  Great memories are way up there with great fitness, and great health, and a great outlook about what comes next.  It’s valuable, worthwhile, priceless if done right. 

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