Gym Mastery

Gym Mastery Episode #46 - Starting a gym on a shoe-string budget with Jon Harris

Jon is a believer, a husband, a father of 3, and gym owner/coach. After working for a notable guitar manufacturer for close to 13 years, Jon saw the value and personal fulfillment in coaching others to the best version of themselves through the vessel of CrossFit. Jon decided to move back to his hometown and start a totally new life designed around opening a gym, having full autonomy with his time, and removing almost all financial obligations by being debt free. Having the freedom to spend time with his family while doing what brings purpose in service has lead to a rich life with a small focus on financial success and a big focus on sovereign freedom and utility.

Get in touch with Jon:


Instagram: @jon____harris, @crossfitgallatin



Level Method provides experienced gym owners with a visual, step-by-step fitness progression system that’s fun, engaging, and easy-to-use go to to find out more.