Member Retention

How to Keep Your Gym Relevant (and even Thrive) During the 2020 Pandemic

An unfortunate truth: Many gym owners out there are currently providing a level of service that can be replaced by googling home workouts and buying a kettlebell.

“Members should not keep paying because it’s the “right thing to do.” They should keep paying because we are providing so much value that it doesn’t make sense not to.”
- Nathan Holiday

Most people that are struggling financially will keep paying for things that give them comfort in a difficult time. Things like Netflix, cable TV, junk food, internet, and alcohol.

People will pay for something that they can feel the real value from especially if it is relevant for helping them get through this crisis.

Gym owners have an opportunity to be someone’s guiding light. To help keep them strong and vibrant both mentally and physically.

If your members believe that you are giving them that opportunity... PLUS giving mental relief in a time of stress and anxiety, you will become one of the most important expenses they have along with food and electricity.

Gym owners have a chance to step up, be leaders, and create opportunities. To set themselves up for massive success, so they’re in the best position to hit the ground running when this is all over (rather than dig out of a mental and physical hole).

The Resilience Challenge provides members tools and motivation to help support immunity, keep a positive mindset, and maintain fitness… but it’s more than that. It’s a way to stay connected with a community in a time when we can’t be near each other. It serves the basic tribal instinct we all have that is necessary: to feel like one of the gang #resilience2020. (If you're a legion gym, make sure you're staying up to date with our resources.)

And if it's not the Resilience Challenge, use or create something that engages your people and helps them focus on what they can control.

Gym owners have an opportunity to become one of the most important services people will remember when it comes to what got them through the pandemic of 2020. What an incredible gift.

Don’t become an easily cut expense. Become something people can’t afford NOT to pay for.