The owner of a high-quality gym thinks differently than the owner of an average gym. They approach things with a mentality that sets them apart.
This can take many forms but for a gym owner named Ben Olin of “The Standard” CrossFit, from Toledo Ohio, the difference is crystal clear
In this article, he talks about how he approaches running his gym in a way that makes his members addicted to being a part of the gym and craving that experience when visiting other gyms.
Why his target member avatar is… him
What characteristics he possesses that creates passion for helping others like him.
What less than “ideal” personality trait drives him to get better
It led to him acquiring the elusive L3
Some of the key details that drive an excellent member experience
The stoic thought process that helps with doing hard things for the betterment of the community
He describes two examples of commonly dreaded tasks all gym owners have to take on at some point: Firing members and implementing change.
How taking “competition” out of the typical thought process can elevate the experience
He describes two situations (one related to members within his gym and one related to competing gyms in his area) that he feels benefit his members tremendously.