Member Retention

How the seamless system comes together... [ACV SERIES PART 4]

As a quick review of PART 3 of this series (here is 1&2)... There's a big hairy problem: we live in a world FULL of distraction.

Everywhere you look, distraction.

And mostly, this distraction is highly engineered.

Your members will likely succumb to this distraction as we all can and do.

Before you know it, they’ll be off to the next thing.

So the big first goal is to get your members to KNOW and CARE about what you have going on in your gym.

And the best way to do that is to 1) effectively communicate to your clients and 2) make it about them.

This is BEST done through Media. Which is simply a part of a communication system.

But "Building a Communication System" sounds like just about the most boring-ass thing in the world...

And that's why I didn't lead with:

"Hey, I want to show you how to build a communication system" 😂

I'm telling you now because you have the main logic line in place.

You understand 1) the need focus on important things 2) to think in terms of leverage 3) that clients must know and care as a priority -- and now 4) that a media system does this best.

The fastest, easiest way to build a Media System from the ground up is to start with the Monthly Success Board.

The Monthly Success Board is a single piece of content -- literally a board that is physically printed and hung in your gym each month.

This core piece of content is repurposed into multiple layers: blog, social media, video topics etc.

It is a SIMPLE (and highly leveraged) way to produce a ton of great content each month at your gym.

The basics of the Success Board is comprised of FOUR core pieces of content that are AWARDS you give each month

  1. Member of the Month This is a great AMBASSADOR. They come to your events, participate in challenges, refer their friends. They are an active supporter of you and your business.
  2. Spirit of the Gym This is someone who represents what you do really well. Maybe they’ve recently overcome a hardship or they've been going through something and they are consistent with their workouts. Or maybe they just have a really great attitude and are always smiling in class.
  3. Most Improved This is someone who has improved the most. We use the Level Method as a primary way to gauge this but it could be based on PRs or just coaches making assessments based on what they see in class on a consistent basis.
  4. Attendance Champ Based solely on attendance and who has come the most to classes. Sometimes there are ties, that's ok, put them both on the board.

These are 4 people specifically recognized at your gym each month in a public way.

In my next email I'm going to give you the step-by-step process that we go through to make this seamless and...

  1. Tell you how and when to decide who gets the awards.
  2. Give you questionnaire templates so your client produces most of the media, and all you have to do is edit.
  3. Tell you how to actually create your success board (and what free program to use).
  4. Tell you our process for getting the success board printed.
  5. Tell you how to repurpose everything into a newsletter to email or mail.

So, keep your eyes open, because we're getting into the actual HOW stuff now, including how this impacts your ACV and bottom line.

See you in the next post.