Level Method

Why I Work for Level Method. An Inside View.

If you don’t know me, here is a brief introduction. My name is Mather Wiswall. I am a long time CrossFitter, designer, marketer, and event operator. I am best known for starting the Florida Grid League with my sister Ruby.

I also work for Level Method providing media generation and marketing consulting.

I’ve recently been asked a few times what the Level Method is and why I work for them. This spurred an idea to write the answer down. I think it will benefit some to hear my angle which is different than most.

To be clear, I do have a paid position, but I have and still do donate a lot of my time to the organization. When it comes to total time spent for me, Level Method is the second largest allocation of my time outside of the League. Here are some of the reasons I value my connection with the company so much:

The People.

I consciously make an effort to “level up” (pun intended) the people I spend time communicating with on a daily basis. I have a history with Sean Buck and Nathan Holiday and knew they would be a great addition to my daily interactions. I have found similar benefit from regularly working with Scott Rammage and Alex as well.

This group is constantly exposing me to new ideas, perspectives, and tools that I have found extremely beneficial. They hold a similar mentality related to constantly looking to improve and learn. I feel that the more time I spend interacting with them, the better I become.

The Network.

I’ve been lucky enough to interact with a good percentage of the Level Method Legion, which is a large collection of gym owners that have implemented the Level Method.

What I have found is that many of the same qualities that exist in the staff, exist in the majority of the Legion as well. They are driven, constantly learning, and generally really good business owners. As a result they tend to be the upper echelon of gym owners in the country and in the world.

I see a lot of the same qualities in the gym owners in my own network of the Florida Grid League. I believe the blending of the networks can only lead to a stronger force of quality fitness and sports oriented leaders making positive change in the world.

The Product.

I won’t sit here and list out the hundreds of massive benefits I have seen with my own eyes from the Level Method systems, but they are there and a big part of why I want to support the company.

I will sum it up this way: I believe that the Level Method plays a huge role in the ability for a gym owner to realize their “dream gym ownership experience” and that always includes measurable, life changing impact on the members within those gyms.

Level Method will become a larger and larger part of my fitness community and I want to help that be the case.

The Synergy.

The data procured from an athletes participation in the Level Method is directly applicable to the sport of GRID. This data identifies the physical strengths within an athlete. Those strengths are what GRID coaches are looking at when recruiting for their teams.

This fact can lead to many potential benefits to both organizations... but they will take time to develop. I see lots of benefit in the future by investing in a growing relationship now.

If you are reading this and not aware of what Level Method is… Learn more about Level Method and sign up for a free discovery session to find out if it is a good fit for you.